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Towards Shock Responsive Social Protection in Brazil

December 1, 202209:30Florianopolis

Towards Shock Responsive Social Protection in Brazil


Malin Ed (World Bank) presented the building blocks of an adaptive and resilient social protection system, and the results of the stress test for Brazil. Marina Carvalho de Lorenzo from MoC highlighted how recent crises (Brumadinho, Mariana – crack of mining dikes, and COVID-19) have forced the development of features in Social Registries and CCTs for rapid response, and contributed to having a larger coverage in the registry to facilitate adaptive policy responses. Janaina Mapurunga highlighted the response of the state of Piaui to the Covid 19 crisis with the launch of a complementary cash transfer program (Cartão Pró Social e Benefício Emergencial) and support to municipalities for better attending citizens during shocks. Paulo Gozalez from Salvador emphasized the need for better preparation for crises and better sectoral and federative coordination action to tackle disasters. The presence of the Governor of Piaui (Maria Regina Souza) and her remarks emphesized the need for an innovative and integrated vision of the Adaptative Social Protection agenda. (see ppts attached)

The organization of the session was supported by the GFDRR’s financed Towards Shock Responsive Social Protection in the LAC Region (P179137) (funded through the Multi-Donor Trust Fund) and it was complemented by a knowledge sharing event organized for the representatives of the Indonesian government who participated in the Forum. The teams paid a visit to a Reference Center for Social Assistance (CRAS) in Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, to discuss the operation of the Cadastro Único (social registry) and share lessons from the modernization of social assistance, labor, employment, and education practices implemented through state and municipal projects.

The World Bank Social Protection and Jobs (SPJ) team, along with Government counterparts from Brazil, participated in the 2022 Understanding Risk Forum to share knowledge and experiences on Adaptive Social Protection (ASP). In this session on the ability of the Brazil’s social protection system to respond to shocks and disasters, the SPJ team, the Governor of the State of Piaui, and representatives of the Ministry of Citizenship (MoC) and Salvador Municipality, involved in a fruitful debate on important ASP topics.


Tiago Falco Silva

Consultant / World Bank

Marina Carvalho De Lorenzo

National Citizenship Revenue Office / Ministry of Citizenship

Paolo Gonzalez

Director / Salvador Municipality

Janaína Mapurunga Bezerra de Miranda

SASC-Secretaria de Assistência Social, Human Rights Superintendent / State of Piauí

Malin Ed

Social Protection Officer / World Bank

Event Info

  • Florianopolis

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