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At the Understanding Risk Global Forum (UR22), we were flooded by knowledge, innovation, and most importantly, unique connections. This hybrid event took place from 28 November to 2 December in Florianopolis, Brazil, and online. Satellite events were carried out in person in London (UK), Wellington (New Zealand), Niamey (Niger), and Vancouver (Canada) and were connected to the global streaming.
UR22 had 600 attendees in Florianopolis, 100 at each of the satellites and 1500 online, a total of 2500. At the main hub in Floripa, we rode the (actual) waves of risk due to heavy rainfall, following this edition’s topic.
Through it all, we saw UR’s superpower: to foster inspiration through creative ideas and stimulate non-traditional partnerships. Thanks to all the participants, sponsors, and partners who helped us overcome the challenges and make this event a success!



UR22 Organizational Model

A Global Event

UR22 took place in multiple locations to reflect the worldwide identity of UR and highlight this vibrant global community. The UR satellites ran in parallel in different corners of the world, offering in-person activities for regional attendees. They were connected to the main forum and streamed on the global UR22 digital platform.
As our primary location, Brazil served as the main global hub, and our satellites included London (UK), Wellington, (New Zealand), Niamey (Niger), and Vancouver (Canada). The latter were connected and embedded in the same ecosystem to create the first fully global and accessible UR forum.

Hours of content
Global audience
Attendees in person
Satellite Attendee

Main event


The packed 5 days in Floripa included an Opening and Closing Ceremony​, Keynotes​, with a host of surprises. 

UR Satellite


London, Wellington, Niamey, Vancouver all connected with main event had 100-200 attendees at each site!

UR Virtual Hub

Global access

UR22 produced over 400 hours of content for participants to choose from, all content was streamed on the Event platform. 

UR22 Highlights

Some of the UR22 highlights 

Opening Ceremony

Do Look Up!

Avoiding Disasters

Leveraging AI for Social Impact @ LATAM

UR22 Full Agenda

Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5

UR22 Opening Ceremony

Emiliano Rodriguez Nuesch
Fernanda Carvalho
Alexandre Lucas Alves
Johannes Zutt
Topázio Silveira Neto

Floripa | Main hub

South America faces multiple natural hazards and socio-economic and environmental processes that put the region as one of the most vulnerable in the world. As the frequency and magnitude of the impacts of disasters increase the risks to safe development are greater, from food security to loss of livelihoods, and it could affect a significant portion of the regional population in the next decades, increasingly eroding efforts aimed at achieving sustainable development goals. Despite these difficulties and vulnerabilities, it is essential to highlight the progress in risk knowledge the region has made in the past 20 years, and it is necessary to continue working on risk-sensitive development now. 

UR22 Satellite Hubs

London Sessions

Niamey Sessions

Vancouver Sessions

Wellington Sessions

Some UR22 Speakers

Thomas Lehmann

Public Policy Manager, Spanish Speaking Latin America / TikTok

Shanna N. McClain

Disasters Program Manager, Global Partnerships & Socioeconomic Assessments Coordinator / NASA

Sella Nevo

Engineering Lead for Flood Forecasting and Wildfires / Google Research

Newton Neto

Director, Global Partnerships LatAm / Google

Naraya Carrasco

Sr. Disaster Risk Management Specialist / World Bank

Luciana Cordeiro

Head of Search Partnerships for Latam / Google

Lisa Robinson

Head of Advisory / BBC Media Action

Kara Siahaan

Head / Anticipation Hub

Johannes Zutt

Country Director for Brazil / World Bank

David Lallemant

Assistant Professor / Earth Observatory of Singapore, Nanyang Technological University

Claudia Herrera Melgar

Executive Secretary / Coordination Center for Disaster Prevention in Central America and the Dominican Republic (CEPREDENAC)

UR Partners


Have a peek at the highlights video

Photos from UR22

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Previous UR Forums

Some past highlights videos

UR2020 Virtual

UR2018 Mexico City

UR2016 Venice

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